Maine Coon

All about blue Maine Coons

All about blue Maine Coons
  1. Description
  2. Color features
  3. The nuances of care and maintenance
  4. Summing up

According to some felinologists, blue Maine Coons are considered the classic representatives of this breed. But at the same time, a clean and even color is considered very rare. Maine Coons of color are solid to the liking of many people, both cat lovers and true connoisseurs, and therefore breeders breed them quite often. The smoky blue color is of several types. In this article, we will learn in more detail what the blue Maine Coons are, what their features are and how to properly care for them at home.

The official name of the breed: Maine Coon
Country of origin: USA
The weight: males weigh 5.9-8.2 kg (castrated - up to 12 kg), and females 3.6-5.4 kg (sterilized - up to 8.5 kg)
Life Expectancy: on average 12.5 years, but 54% of the counted Maine Coons lived 16.5 years or more)
Breed standard
Color: Chocolate, cinnamon and corresponding weakened colors (lilac and fawn) are not recognized in any combination (including tabby, bicolor, tricolor); acromelanic colors are also not recognized. All other colors are recognized.
Head: The head is large, massive, straight, sharp in outline. The cheekbones are high, the nose is of medium length. The muzzle is massive, angular, well-defined. The chin is strong, massive, in line with the nose and upper lip. The profile is curved.
Wool: The undercoat is soft and thin, covered with coarser, dense hair. Thick, free-flowing, water-repellent top coat extends to the back, sides and top of the tail. The lower part of the body and the inner surface of the hind legs have no cover hair. A frill is desirable, but a full collar is not required.
Body: Large to very large cat, muscular, elongated and broad-boned rectangular body.The muscular neck is of medium length, the chest is wide. The limbs are of medium length, strong, muscular, the paws are large, round, with tufts of hair between the toes. The tail is long, at least up to the shoulder, wide at the base, tapering to a pointed tip, covered with flowing hair.
Ears: The ears are very large, wide at the base, sharply terminated, set high, almost upright. The distance between the ears is no more than the width of one ear. Brushes protrude over the edge of the ears; tassels are desirable.
Eyes: The eyes are large, oval, set wide apart and at a slight angle; the color must be uniform and in harmony with the coat color.


Maine Coons of blue color look especially, as this color gives them a certain charm and sophistication. Although many cats and cats of other breeds also have this coat, this color cannot be considered some exotic, belonging only to this breed. Maine Coons of blue color look aristocratic, charming their owners at first sight. Pure solid color is an even solid color without any specks on the coat.

If a cat or a Maine Coon cat has a completely blue solid color, then this means that the pattern has been completely suppressed in their genes. This kind of monochromatic colors are usually bred by selection and a lot of labor of breeders.

To obtain the desired coat color, the so-called gene tabby... There are also cases when this gene is only partially suppressed, so the color is not pure blue, for example, with a subtone or haze at the tips of the hairs. In this case, the color appears indistinctly.

There is also a color called white solid. It is believed that it occurs significantly more often than all the others.

Color features

Usually, in the passports of purebred and solid cats and cats, their color and some other characteristics must be indicated. For this, there is a special color system (table), which is adhered to by all world breeders engaged in breeding Maine Coons. It contains the color code and the immediate color. If the kitten's passport contains 2 letters or a letter and a number, then this means that the shade of the animal is not entirely clear. Speaking of blue Maine Coons with the purest and noble color, there should be only one number or letter in the passport.

If we talk about a pure blue color, then there should be only the letter "A". If the cat is two-color, then in the passport, in addition to the main color (letter), there may be numbers "03". The marble code is "22". The blue-cream color is indicated by the letter "G".

The breed itself in the passport must be designated by the letters MC (Maine Coon). If the color of the animal has a smoky or silvery undertone (or shade), then the letter "S" is usually assigned to the main color.

A solid and pure blue color is considered very rare. Such cats and cats are willingly welcomed at all kinds of exhibitions. Usually Maine Coons with a gray-blue fur coat have luxurious and bright green or yellow eyes.

Subspecies of blue coat color include blue smoke. Breeders consider this color to be unique and distinguish it only when all the hairs at the roots are painted in a creamy milky color, and their surface is blue.

Blue cats of the "shaded smoke" subspecies are colored only for a fourth part.

Silver Maine Coons usually have a whitish undercoat, and the coat itself is gray-silver in color with a blue tint.

For smoky and silvery individuals, the most common characteristic is the discoloration of the coat with a predominance of a particular color, for example, blue or black.

The nuances of care and maintenance

To keep cats and cats in good condition, it is very important to take proper care of it. Animals should be washed no more than 1-2 times a year or immediately before the show. It is recommended to comb the cats 3-4 times a week (at least once), since the Maine Coon hair is very often tangled, lumps form on it.

To maintain a noble blue color, it is best to use professional shampoos and grooming products.

And also nutritional influences the health of the coat and the wool itself. So that the coat does not look dull, and the cat itself or the cat does not shed, feed them in a balanced way. It is best to give preference dry and liquid premium food. They are not only satisfying for the animal, but also include all the necessary complex of vitamins and minerals.

Compulsory care includes annual vaccination of animals against rabies and other common diseases... Before vaccinations, the animal is usually given medicine for parasites.

It is very important that animals always have access to clean water. Since Maine Coons weigh a lot, sometimes even reaching 11 kg, they drink water much more often than representatives of other breeds.

To protect your furniture and floor from excessive scratching by your pet, from childhood, he should be taught to use a scratching post. Claws are recommended to be cut once a month.

Summing up

In conclusion, it should be noted that initially Maine Coons existed in only two colors: red (deep red) and black. And all the other variations are the painstaking work of felinologists and breeders, including the rare pure blue color itself. It is recommended to purchase Maine Coon babies only in proven catteries that breed purebred cats.

With careful and competent care, coupled with proper feeding, pets will delight for many years, because their life expectancy reaches almost 20 years.

Maine Coons get along well not only with people, including small children, but also with other animals and even dogs.

The Blue Maine Coon is an excellent choice. The owners will never regret such a pet - they are always playful and moderately calm.

How to choose a Maine Coon kitten, see the video below.

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