4 clothing colors that visually rejuvenate

Ideal colors are selected not only by color type, but also by age. Stylists recommend that adult women give up black, earthy brown, blue shades - visually, they add a couple of years.

But then what colors are possible? Of course, all shades of beige, as well as bed colors. The lighter the better.

Clothing colors that are youthful

In order to look younger than their age, stylists recommend purchasing things in the following colors:

  • turquoise;
  • graphite;
  • fuchsia;
  • sky blue.

Turquoise suits all women

Fresh and vibrant turquoise suits any hair color and almost all color types. To find the best option, do the following: Look at your veins. If they give off green, then turquoise should be chosen with a greenish tint, and if the veins are blue, choose turquoise, which is close to blue.

Graphite makes the image faceless

If you like dark colors, replace black with graphite. This color goes well with many colors and, unlike black, does not emphasize the imperfections of the skin of the face.

Fuchsia adds juiciness to the image

Women over the age of 40 are afraid to wear brightly colored clothes, but in vain! If pink looks strange on an adult woman, then fuchsia can add zest to the image, the main thing is not to abuse this color.

Sky blue refreshes

Blue is a beautiful and noble color, but it does not suit everyone, unlike sky blue, which suits any hair color and different color types. Sky blue is surprisingly rejuvenating and goes well with white.

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