How to Build Empathy: 5 Practical Exercises to Get Together with Others

Empathy is important not only in personal relationships, but in general with any people. Why? Everything is very simple. It helps us understand the motives of others, make friends, and build strong families.

Some people think that since there is no empathy, it will not appear. This is not true! It can be developed. It will take you a while, but it will be worth it!

Listen deeply

The ability to listen is very valuable, because now people only pretend to communicate, but in fact they are either in their thoughts or staring at a smartphone.

When talking with a person, it is important not only to pretend that you are listening to him, but to really listen and remember the details. As long as you are listening, nothing should distract you, not even your own thoughts.

Help others

Do you think altruists give themselves completely and get nothing in return? They are not insane at all, but they also win. Helping others - we help ourselves.

Learn to think about others, about what you can not take from others, but what to give / how to help. You don't always have to be selfish - sometimes it's important to think about others as well. Never criticize or draw negative conclusions - you do not see the whole picture.


It is not at all necessary to leave for distant countries, you can even travel within your own city! For example, visit a new restaurant or take a walk on an unfamiliar street.

From time to time, it is advisable to communicate with people of different cultures in order to experience different people at a new level.

Do charity work

You can volunteer for a charity or visit orphanage children to socialize.

It is an axiom - the more light and goodness you give to the world, the more you receive. But that shouldn't be the goal when doing good deeds.

read books

Nothing develops empathy as well as reading fiction.Reading, a person imagines himself in the place of the protagonist.

Thus, he can imagine different situations, feel what the heroes feel. It helps to awaken dormant feelings.

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