Lost daughter of Princess Diana? The American became famous for being very similar to Lady Dee

The American woman is very similar to Princess Diana in facial features: eyes, a smile.

As it turned out, the girl lives in America and dresses as if she were living in the 70s.

Completely changed the style and became famous

Rose Van Rae completely changed her style 5 years ago when she became seriously interested in ABBA. The blonde beauty changed her wardrobe and did her hair like Lady Dee's.

Thanks to the new image, Rose became famous on Instagram - it was difficult not to pay attention to the girl's unusual style.

On her TikTok account, she shoots videos and teaches users about retro hairstyles. Rose currently has about 600,000 subscribers.

Not so long ago, the media even wrote about her: "The Lost Daughter of Princess Diana." After she cut her hair, she really became very much like her.

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