American woman with dwarfism became a Tik Tok star

Mackenzie Thrush with dwarfism (the girl does not exceed 91 cm in height) has become a network star. On Tik Tok, she talks about her life and shares useful life hacks. Users really enjoy watching Thrush's life - they support it and even give advice.

Mackenzie suffers from a rare form of dwarfism - spondylothoracic dysplasia (or Yarkho's syndrome). Despite this circumstance, the girl graduated from the university and enjoys life.

“Stores need some kind of gadgets to help reach the top shelves,” Tik Tok users say.

On his blog, Thrush explains how he cooks. To reach the slab, for example, she has to use a stepladder. In the store, it is difficult for her to reach the upper shelves, and customers help her in this. The video, which she posted, scored 3,000,000 views in just a couple of days!

Users began to comment on what they saw: "Stores must make special devices so that it is easy to reach the upper shelves."

Users agreed that special devices would be useful in stores, because not all people are tall - many find it difficult to reach the desired product.

Thrush said that she does everything the same as people with standard height, but there is one problem - she spends more time on everything.

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