This is why wrinkles appear. Daily habits that ruin your face

At any age, there are problems with the face: teenagers are worried about pimples, and women are worried about the appearance of wrinkles. Experts believe that women themselves spoil their face, although it is enough to refrain from bad habits.

What are these habits? And is it so easy to get rid of them? Consider in the article.

Little sleep

Quality sleep is very important for our skin. Moreover, it is important not only the amount of time (an adult must sleep at least 8 hours), but also how we sleep.

For example, sleeping on your stomach with your face pressed against the pillow is wrong. In this position, wrinkles may already appear immediately after several hours of such sleep, in addition, swelling around the eyes may appear.

Looks like you'll have to get into the habit of sleeping on your back! It won't be easy at first, but you'll get used to it.


Pay attention to how you squint. This forces the glabellar muscles to contract, which leads to crushing of the overlying skin.

At first you won't see anything, but over time, collagen will degrade and wrinkles will become more visible.

A lot of sugar

Do not overuse sugar. Our skin is made up of protein structures, and sugar, when exposed to them, gives a chemical reaction.

Under the influence of sugar, elastic fibers lose their elasticity, which leads to rapid aging.

Lack of water

Everyone says that you need to drink plenty of water for beauty and health. Quite right! If it is not enough, it affects the skin.

The skin of a person who drinks little water looks older than that of someone who drinks a lot of it. In the second, it is more elastic. On average, you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.

Bad habits

Smoking and alcohol are the # 1 enemies when it comes to maintaining the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. Smokers are easily recognizable by their greyish skin tone and wrinkles around the eyes.

Smoking activates the genes responsible for the enzyme, which lowers collagen in the skin. What is the result? Many wrinkles appear and the skin sags.

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