Hollywood stars, in whose veins Russian blood flows

Russian filmmakers rejoice when the talent of Russian artists is recognized abroad (among the stars who managed to conquer Hollywood, one can mention Svetlana Khodchenkova, who played the role of the Viper in the blockbuster "Wolverine: the Immortal"). But few people know that there are so many actors and actresses among the celestials of the dream factory, in whose veins Russian blood flows.

Some of them prefer not to advertise their Slavic roots, while others, on the contrary, willingly share the details of their colorful family history. I bet you didn’t know that many of your favorite American actors and singers are actually not so ... "foreign."

Ours in Hollywood!

The artists we are going to talk about are not "one hundred percent hares". Some of them are half or a quarter Russian, while others can boast only of distant Slavic roots (but, as they say in our homeland, one drop of Russian blood is already enough). Among them:

  • Leonardo DiCaprio. Leo himself gladly talks about his Russian ancestors (his maternal grandmother was born in the Russian Empire) and considers himself half Russian.
  • Pamela Anderson. The great-great-grandmother of the actress and model was Russian, but because she first emigrated from Russia to the Netherlands, and then to Canada, where Pammy was born at one time, the Anderson family thought for a long time that she was Dutch.
  • Armie Hammer. The actor is very proud of his Russian roots, as he often talks about in interviews.
  • Helen Mirren. The father of nee Elena Vasilievna Mironova was Russian. It is not surprising that she played Tolstoy's wife and Catherine the Great so brilliantly!
  • Sylvester Stallone. The ancestors of the main character of Hollywood action films emigrated from Odessa at the beginning of the last century.
  • Jon Bon Jovi. And he too! The legendary rock musician has maternal Russian roots.
  • Harrison Ford. The actor's grandparents were born in Belarus, when she was part of the Russian Empire. The performer of the role of Han Solo admits that he would like to visit his homeland with his family.
  • Natalie Portman. The Oscar-winning performer of the leading roles in the films "Black Swan", "Leon" and "Star Wars" has Russian roots from the side of her mother.

And that's not all! This cheerful company includes film director Woody Allen, actress Whoopi Goldberg (maternal family originally from Odessa), young Hollywood darling Timothy Chalamet, illusionist David Copperfield, performer of the role of Colombo Peter Falk, singer Nicole Scherzinger, Kirk and Michael Dougnislas, as well as brothers James and Dave Franco, and the legendary Poirot David Suchet.

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