"My little fluffy son": Ivleeva showed the kitten she received as a birthday present

On March 8, the famous blogger Nastya Ivleeva celebrated 2 events at once: International Women's Day and her birthday. She is 30 years old. In honor of the celebration, she organized a surprise for her subscribers - a free trip to the cinema for the film "Girls" in different cities of Russia.

And on March 8, Nastya received a kitten as a gift and shared her delight with this event with subscribers.

“I went for wine, and returned with the baby,” says the blogger

On the occasion of her birthday, Ivleeva arranged a screening of the film "Girls" all over the country - anyone could come to the cinema and watch the film for free.

Nastya's followers on Instagram did not remain in debt - someone gave her a wonderful kitten. “I came home with a cat! Mister cat! I went for wine, and after 4 hours I returned with the baby, ”says Nastya.

The blogger posted a new video on her account in which her new family member is running around the apartment. Who exactly gave her such a gift, Nastya did not tell.

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