Sworn friends: famous women who were close friends, and then quarreled

Women's friendship is fragile, and if you are lucky enough to find a girlfriend, you still need to be able to maintain the relationship. It is more difficult for celebrity women with friendship, because if one of the friends is more successful, the other is jealous of her.

And besides this, many trials fall to the lot of star friends ... Who could not keep the friendship?

Olga Buzova and Ksenia Borodina

When Olga Buzova was a member of the House 2 project, they did not part with Ksenia Borodina: they supported each other, arranged joint photo sessions. Ksenia was the only person who supported Olga after breaking up with Dmitry Tarasov.

It seemed that these two women would always be inseparable, but in 2017, having gone through a painful divorce, the singer's colleague stated that she had no desire to be friends with anyone from show business. Ksenia added that she does not consider the people involved in it sincere.

Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian

When Paris Hilton was at the peak of her popularity, she always appeared with Kim. From the outside, it seemed that Paris treats her friend like an assistant, but it seems that Kim was fine with everything, because she never complained.

But one day, an intimate video featuring Kim became public, and Kim woke up as a "star." After the video, Paris became very unflattering about her friend and stopped communicating with her. In an interview, she explained the reason - Kim just used her to become famous.

Gwyneth Paltrow and Winona Ryder

In the late 90s, these two women doted on each other! They were always together, hugging in public and holding hands. However, one day their friendship came to an end, and the film became a bone of contention.

Friends quarreled over the movie "Shakespeare in Love". Winona had already been approved for the role, but then she was given to Gwyneth.The actress was furious, and Paltrow not only "took" the role from her friend, but also received an Oscar, Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild Award.

Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Richie

These star women have been friends for a long time. They willingly posed together in photographs and appeared at social events. But what made them quarrel?

None of the women named the reason for the breakup - they just quietly dispersed on different sides. The journalists only learned that their relationship had become strained.

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