How to set a New Year's table for 1000 rubles

New Year's holidays are approaching, which means that you will have to fork out. For one trip to the store, you can lose half your salary: high-quality champagne, good cheese, sausage and other products are not cheap. But there is a solution!

Everyone associates the New Year with bubbles of champagne, the smell of tangerines and iridescent lights, as well as an abundance of goodies on the table! How to set the table cheap but cheerful? So that the meal pleases both households and guests?

Well checked old

It is not always necessary to spend a lot of money in order to prepare a delicious dish. If you are going to cook yourself, and not order food from a restaurant, opt for proven dishes over the years.

The table can be set even for 1000 rubles - the food on the table is not the most important thing. The presence of loved ones and a good mood are much more important!

In order to save money, organize a Soviet-style New Year. Everything that was prepared then is relevant now. It:

  • salad "Herring under a fur coat";
  • baked chicken;
  • Olivier salad;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • bottle of "Soviet" champagne.

Here's the perfect New Years menu! The hostesses can also offer guests winter supplies as a snack. Of course, if there are a lot of guests, it will be difficult to keep within 1000 rubles, but if the holiday is planned to be held with a family of 3-4 people, you will quite keep within.

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