What colors make us younger (and how to find your shade)

Basic rules will help you choose clothes according to your color type and look more interesting, elegant and, of course, younger.

Surely, you have noticed more than once that the same outfit looks different on different people. Why does he make one woman younger, while the other adds age? It's all about the color!

How to choose your perfect color

For comparison, look at Brigitte Macron and Isabelle Huppert. These women are both in red, but why does the blonde look sickly yellow, and Huppert (brown-eyed brown-haired woman) shines in this shade? The fact is that Isabelle Huppert is perfect for this color.

Now look at these same women in different outfits. In pale blue, Huppert turned pale, and Brigitte now seems to be illuminated and shining! Find your shades and add contrasts to the exterior. We will tell you how to do this now.

For example, if you have green eyes, blonde hair, and peach skin, your clothes should be warm and vibrant. Wearers of dark hair, gray eyes and pale skin should pay attention to cool colors in their clothes.

Now let's talk about the most important thing. Which colors are young and which are old? Many colorists are sure that red suits everyone, but you need to choose its shade correctly, taking into account your color type.

Contrary to the old stereotype, black does not suit anyone. The thing is that it "sucks" health and youth from our faces, so it should be worn very carefully. The best option if you want to look fresher and younger - choose neutral colors.

The good thing about these colors is that they can be combined with any shade. As a rule, white clothes are perfect for "cold" blondes, and beige for girls with caramel hair. Brown colors are great for hot brunettes, and if you have light brown hair, your color is definitely gray.

In any case, you need to look at how the color contrasts with your skin - if there is no dissonance, then the shade is right for you.

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Thank you, the article helped me.


the beauty
