Disadvantages of appearance that do not have to be hidden

If a person has some "flaws" (although these are not flaws at all, but the peculiarities of the skin), he in every possible way begins to hide them, but does this make sense?

Let's talk about the "imperfections" of the skin, which do not need to be hidden from others. After all, they do not harm them.


Many people spend a lot of time, effort and money on the fight against acne, if only those around them do not look askance. People who do not hide acne are considered unkempt and lazy, but are they to blame for the fact that this disease cannot be cured at once? Cosmetologists do not recommend using toners, as they can aggravate the situation.


Cinema and advertising support the idea that aging is bad and give us a puppet appearance. But how can a natural process be bad? Women who have wrinkles perceive them not as their zest, but as a flaw that needs to be hidden. Aging is normal, and many actresses, for example, do not hide their gray hair, among them: Meryl Streep, Diane Keaton, Salma Hayek, etc.


Women find orange peel ugly and may even be afraid to strip on the beach because of this. In fact, the problem of cellulite appeared relatively recently as a marketing ploy - it did not exist until the 70s. Cellulite can be seen in pictures of models and actresses of the 50s. Cellulite is not something to get rid of. 85-98% of women have it. It's just that women's skin is thinner than men's, and women have a higher percentage of body fat.


Fat people repeatedly hear ridicule in their address, from childhood they are poisoned, so they develop immunity. This is called fat shaming, and even famous people “get it” for completeness. Overweight is not always a sign of gluttony; it happens that a person has a genetic disposition to overweight or there are endocrine disorders. If you are overweight, do not be ashamed to wear swimwear and whatever clothes you like.

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