The main mistakes that betray an unkempt woman have become known

There is a non-stop debate about female beauty: some believe that beauty comes from the sparkling eyes of a woman's contented life, others support the use of fillers and plastics, believing that a woman should always strive for perfection.

The mistakes that will be named here are unacceptable for all women, and can easily make a "ugly woman" out of a beauty.

Stop: 5 habits unacceptable for women

Bad hair

Beautiful and shiny hair is the dream of many women. But what if nature has not endowed the fair sex with beautiful hair? Anything! Just do not forget to wash your hair - a "greasy" head does not paint anyone.

Strange smells

Even the most well-groomed and attractive girl can ruin the whole impression of herself if she smells bad. Of course, she must wash and avoid unpleasant body odors. Well, do not forget - it is better to refrain from eating onions if you plan to go somewhere.

Shabby manicure

There is no need to become a regular at beauty salons, it is enough not to bite your nails and avoid shabby manicure - such trends are only appropriate for teenagers.

Not a very dazzling smile

They always pay attention to the teeth. There is no need to whiten them to white or insert veneers (although white and neat teeth add attractiveness to a woman). It is enough to cure caries and do not forget to clean them.

Legs like a cactus

European girls already practice walking with hairs, but in Russia they still pay close attention to epilation. Spines on the legs can ruin the whole look.

1 comment

Legs, like a cactus, yes, it happens)) Appropriate only in winter, under jeans.


the beauty
