One of the most powerful phobias in women is being left alone: ​​a psychologist spoke about the most common fears

It is up to everyone how to react to their fears. If they mobilize one and give strength, then the other falls into a daze and in every possible way avoids situations where you can meet face to face with your phobias.

Sergey Lang, in an interview with Sputnik, told how to overcome your fears so that they do not poison your life.

First place is the fear of loneliness

Today, fears are not uncommon - a person does not have time to filter the flow of information that comes to him. He has to hear a lot of negative information. People take on negative information through themselves, and as a result, fear is born.

The psychologist listed 3 main fears of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation, the first place was taken by the fear of loneliness.

“Women are especially affected by this phobia. They are afraid to be left alone, not to give birth to a child. Recently, women are increasingly left without a pair - they do not believe in themselves and focus on the fact that their time is running out, ”says Lang.

In connection with the pandemic, people have a fear of losing their jobs and income. The third place is taken by the fear of flying. According to the psychologist, this phobia appears in people who watch the news and pass all the information about air accidents through themselves.

Speaking about ways to deal with your phobias, Sergey Lang recommends doing what you are afraid of more often, of course, only if it is not dangerous. For example, walking around a pack of dogs is at least unwise.

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