The psychologist told which women men leave

It happens that a woman seems to do everything, as psychologists advise: she does not "nag" the man, listens to him, is always there and supports, but something happens, and he has a desire to leave. Why it happens?

Which women are abandoned by men

Psychologist and sexologist Alexandra Miller notes that most of all they do not like adherent women. These are the ones who can only feel happy when they have a partner / relationship.

Nothing attracts more than self-sufficiency, contentment with oneself and one's life. A woman should not be "sticky", on the contrary, she should live her own life, otherwise the man begins to feel that he was "grabbed by the throat", which no one likes.

When a woman is obsessive and available, the spirit of a hunter, a conqueror disappears from a man. Instead of presenting the girl with flowers and coming up with ways to keep her, the man begins to think about how to distance himself.

The psychologist believes that many alliances break down, tk. a man for a woman represents a "crutch" that supports her in all matters, and she alone can do nothing. Men are inherently less emotional than women, so they are used to enjoying themselves through them.

Broadcast happiness, pleasure in yourself and in life, and then the man will be afraid of losing you!

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