Psychologists told how not to become a victim of a criminal

Women are afraid to retire with a stranger, for example, in an elevator or staircase, and this fear is understandable. Often, men are physically stronger, and among them there are much more maniacs and criminals than among women.

To avoid a meeting with a criminal, psychologists told how to behave on the street or in a public place.

How to avoid becoming a victim of a criminal

Each criminal has a different motive for harming others. One may be guided by childhood trauma, while the other is simply sadistic. Be that as it may, you need to adhere to some rules in order to protect yourself.

Confidence in every move

More often than not, criminals choose a morally weak victim. If a girl has a noticeable sadness in her eyes, in general she will have a drooping appearance and an unsteady gait - most likely, the perpetrator will prefer her to a confident and contented girl. The thing is that morally weakened people are easy to manipulate.


A criminal will never want to attack a group of people, so if there is an opportunity to return from school or work with someone, it is better to prefer the company. Also, most likely, the perpetrator will pass by the person walking the dog. She can bark, which will attract attention - this is not at all in the hands of a maniac.

Interest in the outside world

If a girl walks down the street with her phone buried, the perpetrator may choose her because the girl's attention is scattered. It is easy to talk to such a person and to be taken by surprise. The surprise effect acts as a distraction. Be careful and look around!

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