The girl proved that the sizes of clothes do not correspond to anything at all

Are you worried that you can't fit into the coveted size of clothes, although you have been on a diet for two months and disappear for hours in the gym? Do not be sad, because these dimensions ... do not correspond to anything. And this is not a formulaic phrase that best friends try to console after a failed relationship or interview (“he was not worthy of you” or “you are too good for this job”), but the most objective statement of fact.

To be convinced of this, just look at the results of an experiment that this American girl conducted.

Or how to get upset in vain

Going through things, Dina Shoemaker was very surprised - the girl found six pairs of shorts and trousers of different brands in the closet, which all fit perfectly on her ... but, according to the labels, were of completely different sizes. Some were US size 5 (medium) and others as much as US size 12 (large, and some brands were already plus size). To create the collage, Dina was photographed in each pair on the same day.

We also offer to look at the photo of three pairs of jeans of different brands, but "the same size". But because of these very sizes, many girls exhaust themselves with diets and do not like their bodies!

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