Sociologists told what age is ideal for marriage

Fell in love, and immediately there is a desire to associate a stronger relationship with a person, or rather, to go down the aisle with him. Often, young girls are not morally ready for family life, and if they put a lot of worries on their shoulders early, this can lead to negative consequences in the future.

The myth that Americans get married and get married after 30 is not a myth at all. First, they make a career, develop, and only after they get married, for which they are mentally ready.

What is the best age to get married?

Sociologists from the United States believe that there is no need to rush into marriage - the ideal age for creating a family is from 28 to 32 years old. People who marry at this age are unlikely to get divorced. They have already decided for themselves what they want from family life and have the skills of housekeeping.

By the age of 30, people become stable both mentally and financially, they become wiser and already understand how to raise children better.

However, as noted by sociologists, in early marriage, you can also find advantages: newlyweds are motivated to earn money. Having raised children in their youth, by the age of 30-35 they will still have energy and they will be able to try life from different angles, master new skills.

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