Experts told fitness lovers why you need to come to workout without makeup

Bright makeup looks out of place in the gym, not to mention the fact that after a workout it looks completely ridiculous - dripping arrows, a shiny forehead. But the aesthetic side of things isn't the only reason to skip pre-workout makeup. Experts said that "war paint" in the gym can represent serious danger to a woman's health.

Dermatologist Patricia Boland has devoted a lot of time to this topic. She researched the effects of cosmetics combined with sweat and concluded that this is a very dangerous combination... During the period of physical activity, a woman's blood circulation becomes more intense, the sebaceous and sweat glands begin to work more intensively than usual.

As a result, an allergenic and sometimes toxic mixture is formed on the face, which can lead to rashes, pustules, sores. Women with oily skin are especially at risk of ruining the facial skin.

Mascara can peel off and get in your eyes. This is dangerous by the development of an allergic reaction and inflammatory processes. Powder and foundation interfere with normal sweating and sebum production, causing acne.

If it is very important to come to the gym with makeup, then Patricia recommended that you follow several safety measures.

Alternative makeup for sports

This is created using waterproof mascara and the same eyeliner... The base for the face is allowed oil-free. Do not skimp on the cost of mascara and eyeliner - your health and beauty depends on their quality when creating your alternative sports look.

Sometimes there is no special need to emphasize the eyes; it is enough to highlight the eyebrows to make the face lively and expressive. And here you will need it again waterproof eyebrow gel.

It is better to highlight the lips within the framework of alternative make-up. a tint balm with a moisturizing effect.

Care before and after

In many ways, your beauty and health will depend on how good is skin care before and after exercise... Before her, experts recommend removing your usual makeup, do it carefully, without being lazy. An antioxidant moisturizing serum can be applied to clean skin. This will help protect your skin if you sweat.

After exercising, you should also rinse your skin with warm water, remove any protective makeup, and apply a water or gel cleanser.

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