Stylists named 15 things from the arsenal of women that men do not like

In pursuit of beauty and originality, women often forget about a sense of proportion, tact and style, and all this can play a cruel joke with them. Some are trying to "surpass" their friends in outfits, others thoughtlessly copy the images of Hollywood divas. Both, of course, have the ultimate goal - to please men, to draw attention to your person, and attention is attracted. But success is not always achieved.

Stylists and psychologists are sure that not every representative of the stronger sex with good taste, will be ready to accept ladies' "fashionable creativity"... So there was a list of 15 of the most annoying women "stuff" for men, which became known after a series of opinion polls conducted among men.

1. Fishnet tights

For some reason, only the ladies themselves, and the most optimistic of them, think that such tights look sexy. Most men are sure of the opposite - a woman in such tights does not attract, but causes mixed feelings between pity and disgust. They look vulgar.

However, men agree that such a wardrobe item can exist, but only in two cases - if a lady is going to a masquerade on the occasion of Halloween and if she decided to arrange erotic dances for her husband in a private setting at home.

2. Dark lipstick

Wine shades, of course, are in fashion, but men are not too fond of them. In any case, the authors of the polls are sure of this, in which more than 5 thousand men of different ages took part. Most men expressed the opinion that such lipstick makes a woman gloomy and sinister, even if she naturally has angelic features.

In addition, the representatives of the stronger sex turned out to be much more observant than the ladies would like.They noticed that bright and dark lipstick is quickly eaten away, and ugly light bald spots remain on the woman's lips, which definitely cannot look attractive.

3. Pajama style clothes

The pajama and linen style of clothing is very convenient and comfortable. It seems to women that they look at home in it, intriguing, as if they had just woken up. That's right, the men agree. And they do not understand only one thing - why walk down the street like this, go to work, visit a restaurant? Justifications that “this is a trend” is, alas, an empty phrase for a man.

4. Long nails

Too long nails in almost most men cause subconscious fear, fright and seem repulsive to them, like the hands of a scarecrow from under the bed, which the boy was afraid of in childhood. Representatives of the stronger sex consider a neat manicure on short nails and not too bright colors of varnish much more attractive.

5. High waist shorts

This "nightmare of the 80s", as the men themselves called such clothes, disfigures even good female figures, and it is the part of the body that you want to pay attention to most of all. Woman looks moronic-infantile, and if it does evoke any feelings, it is rather a feeling of pity and compassion.

6. Gladiators - sandals

High sandals, which were named after Roman gladiators, are very popular with women themselves. They are comfortable, free, easy. But polls of men have shown that it is this type of footwear that causes poorly hidden irritation in the majority. The men said that ladies' delicate feet in these shoes look big and ridiculous, and caviar resemble sausages, securely pulled into a net for subsequent smoking.

7. Baseball caps

And this accessory also got into the anti-rating. Most men noted that even attractive girls in baseball caps do not look like attractive persons of the opposite sex, but like sports team players... In addition, a baseball cap hides at least half of the face, and therefore it is difficult to talk about attractiveness only by the appearance of the jaw from under the visor.

8. Sneakers

Fashionable sneakers on the platform also made it to the list of women hated by men. While the beauties are flaunting in sneakers, trying to follow the fashion, their legs, by nature conceived as something graceful, more like hooves, say men, and this is at least strange and scary.

9. Earrings rings

Large and large earrings in the form of rings are back in fashion again, but before you start wearing them, you should find out what exactly such jewelry men consider tasteless and unnecessary... They do not cause attraction, and often, men say, a whole date, all the thoughts of the stronger sex revolve around the question, how do these earrings generally keep on the lobes.

10. Dress with sneakers

This is a new fashion, and you can't argue with it. But men seem to be more conservative, and they are in no hurry to accept the new fashion... Many admitted that they are incredibly annoyed by the sneakers, which are worn by a woman in combination with a dress.

11. Huge scarves and hats

Large hats and grotesque scarves are the squeak of fashion, but for a man such outfits raise mainly some questions from the field of physics and anatomy - and where is the lady's head, and is it not hard for her. Of course, if it's freezing outside and you live somewhere in Oymyakon, large hats will be quite understandable and even appropriate, but in other regions, and even in warm weather, the outfit causes genuine male bewilderment.

12. Sheer straps

No, this accessory is not annoying, it just remained incomprehensible, and men from the bottom of their hearts do not "understand" why ladies need these shoulder straps. Ordinary - apparently, women say. But these, too, can be seen, men parry, and therefore they do not see any practical benefit in silicone straps.

13. Headbands

Many men have advocated that the entire world at the legislative level to stop selling headbands to girls who have reached the age of 12. And all because a lady of any age this accessory makes a girl, and a defenseless childish image does not set you up for a romantic mood.

I would like to buy a lady a big candy, give a toy to make her happy, and leave in an unknown direction away from sin.

14. Leggings

It is not the type of clothing itself that causes bewilderment and rejection in men, but the fact that leggings are worn by everyone who has this idea, regardless of the figure and general style. Slender and athletic girls in leggings raise no questions. Questions arise at the sight of leggings on curvy ladies.

15. Brows

Modern fashion recommends a woman with trendy and thick eyebrows, wide, sable, proud. And many meekly obey the demands of fashion, follow the lead. They build and paint on eyebrows to make them look more impressive, and this is incredibly annoying for men.

Choosing your image, do not be too lazy to check with this "cheat sheet", it will help temper the ardor and be truly attractive.

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