Strange shot on driver's license

Instead of her own image, the American saw a photograph of a piece of furniture on her new driver's license.

Imagine Jade Dodd's surprise when she opened the letter addressed to her and found an unusual document there. On the certificate, her name, date of birth, gender, eye color, height were indicated completely correctly. But instead of her photograph, the woman saw on the designated spot the image of an empty blue chair.

Dodd, who did not understand anything, immediately called the Department of Motor Vehicles, which issued her license, and told about some oddities. They explained this by marriage, apologized and immediately sent another document, to which there were no longer any claims.

An employee of the department told reporters that everything happened by accident and the notorious "human factor" is to blame.

It turns out that at the Driver Service Center, where a US resident was photographed for her license, the employee responsible for this accidentally removed an empty chair, and then the woman herself. Then he mistakenly saved the first and second pictures in her profile. But the chair turned out to be the last photo saved in time, that's why it got on the document.

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