Natural look and visual fixes: makeup trends 2021

Every woman is beautiful, but she can become even more beautiful if she emphasizes all her virtues. Permanent make-up helps you gain self-confidence and makes your appearance more effective. In addition, it helps to hide flaws.

What will be the most popular makeup trends this year?

Under eye circles disguise

Dark circles under the eyes are inevitable if you don't eat well, don't get enough sleep, and generally lead a poor lifestyle. Recently, beauty salons began to offer a service to hide dark circles under the eyes.

To do this, a pigment that is close to natural in color is injected under the skin. Unlike regular makeup, permanent makeup does not wear off.

Lip Tattoo 3D

Many women are accustomed to making their lips plump to make them appear seductive. To do this, they go beyond the contour, brighten the central part and rejoice at the result. True, they do not rejoice for long ... It is worth having something to eat, as the lipstick wears off.

3D permanent tattoo allows you to get bright, voluminous lips. To correct asymmetry, several shades are combined.

Stretch mark camouflage

Many women are familiar with stretch marks on the body - someone does not notice them, and someone is diligently trying to hide them. Thanks to the correct selection of shades, the masters skillfully hide them. But it should be borne in mind that such a flaw can only be hidden visually.

Eyebrow microblading

Thick, neat eyebrows are a guarantee of beauty. Microblading has been offered in beauty salons for several years now, it is surprising that not everyone has tried this procedure so far. The procedure has gained popularity due to the fact that it is less painful than tattooing, and the result looks more natural.

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