Scientists have named the saddest day of the year

British scientists love to conduct experiments and discoveries - not all of them are useful for society, but interesting! Scientists especially like to bring up topics related to psychological health.

Did you know about the Blue Monday Phenomenon? This day is officially recognized as the hardest of the year.

The hardest part is getting back to work after the holidays.

Blue Monday is not necessarily Monday when we go to work after the weekend. These are working days after the New Year holidays or the first days of September, when summer ended and we returned from vacation.

The date of "the hardest day of the year" has not been set, but it is considered to be the 3rd Monday of every January, and in 2021 it is January 18th.

Scientists have collected information that it was during this period that people find it difficult to return to their activities. After the holidays, they relax, and after that it is very difficult for them to get down to business. On top of that, a depressing feeling appears due to the gained weight, and people also worry about finances (which is especially important now.)

There is a lot of support materials in Western Internet media to support those experiencing Blue Monday. Over time, more and more evidence of human oppression emerges on the third Monday of January. Marketers collected data, and it turned out that during this period people are actively interested in products for improving health and losing weight.

When do you feel the influence of Blue Monday?

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