Scientists have explained why women's brains see problems even where there are none

Scientists at Harvard University have found reasons why the female brain sees problems where they are absent... They came to the conclusion that ladies usually start to “wind up” themselves when they are at rest.

And most often looking for problems from scratch are those who do not have significant problems, and therefore begin to pay attention to insignificant details.

A series of experiments was carried out on the basis of Harvard's own laboratories. A group of ladies-volunteers were shown photographs of the sketches. They depicted people with different facial expressions - angry and simple-minded. While the pictures were changing, women began to see a "threat" even in pictures of people with cute, open and smiling faces.

That is the brain, remembering that somewhere ahead, there may still be pictures of evil faces, automatically began to look for signs of a problem where it essentially did not exist.

Women tend to compare the events of today with past life experiences a little more than men, experts explained. And that is why they often find reasons to worry "in advance" and "just in case."

Scientists believe that one can get rid of the bad habit of worrying about trifles. To do this, you need to make a useful habit of keeping a plan, from which, as it is completed, the goals achieved and the deeds done will be crossed out.

This will give confidence in your abilities.

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