Yakubovich's granddaughter works at McDonald's. The TV presenter told how much she gets

The TV presenter of the popular show "Field of Miracles" said that his 20-year-old granddaughter Sophia chose a job for a beggarly salary. According to Yakubovich, she likes working at McDonald's and does not complain.

“She likes it - let her work,” said Leonid Yakubovich with approval.

The host of Pole Miracles tried to dissuade his granddaughter from working in a fast food restaurant: “Let's get you a better job,” but it was unsuccessful.

Yakubovich said that his 20-year-old granddaughter Sofia (by the way, this is his only granddaughter) chose to work at McDonald's, and receives "monstrous", according to Yakubovich, 12,000 rubles.

He gave it up and said: "She likes it - well, let her work." Yakubovich also said that his heirs are trying to earn money themselves and do not mention the name of a famous relative. For example, the daughter of Leonid Yakubovich, 23-year-old Varvara, earned herself a trip to Singapore.

The famous father, of course, wanted to help her and give her daughter money for the trip, but she refused and told her father that she wanted to earn money herself and should help him.

Yakubovich also has a 48-year-old son, Artem, Sophia's father, who also lives separately and earns himself. According to him, Artyom loves to ride with his family in a car around Europe - along the way, they eat sandwiches and stop at small motels.

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