Woman and cats: scientists have figured out what the characteristics of female cats are, and why we think of them worse than necessary

For some reason, and once upon a time a stereotype has developed in society - if a woman is an inveterate cat lady, then she is not all right with her personal life and an extremely unstable psyche. It is possible that the stereotype has become a "hello" from old women who have cats to brighten up their loneliness. Be that as it may, scientists decided to become interested in the problem, and the results of the study are published today by the MedikForum portal.

The results of a scientific study by UCLA staff showed that cat ladies not so unhappy psychologically unstable and lonely, as we used to think about them. To participate in the experiment, they invited girls who do not keep animals at home. All the ladies underwent psychological examination and testing. Then a group of women who are the owners of cats were invited for personality testing, and many of them had more than one cat or cat.

This group also included dog owners. The test results showed that both the female cats and those who do not keep animals completely similar views on family, relationships. Women from both groups showed many of the same psychological reactions, their mental stability and character traits from the presence or absence of a cat in the house. do not depend in any way.

The female cats showed one big plus in front of the members of the first group - they showed a higher level of empathy. It is the capacity for compassion and empathy.

Thus, cat ladies should rehabilitate in the eyes of society, scientists say. In some ways they are even better than those who do not like cats and do not keep at home.

The same group of researchers refuted another myth, which says that the presence of a dog in a woman characterizes her as a balanced, active and healthy person.In fact, dog owners and those without dogs, too not too different from each other... The only difference is that you need to walk with the dog, and the owners of the dogs are really in better physical shape.

Scientists and social networks, in which there are so many cats, cats and puppies, were not spared. Simple calculations of the number of subscribers of the subjects showed that female cats usually have an average on Facebook. 26 fewer friendsthan women who regularly share pictures with their dogs.

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