"Alive Rapunzel" has to fight off nasty offers

Alena, 31, lives in Ukraine and is often compared to Rapunzel because of her gorgeous hair. The girl has not cut her hair since she was 12, and it has grown to her heels. The girl only sometimes trims the ends. One can only imagine how many shampoos it takes to wash your hair!

Ugly sentences

Alena often hears enthusiastic comments in her address, and children on the street ask her how to grow the same long healthy hair. However, not all the attention is positive; on Instagram, men often pester her with nasty and indecent proposals.

The girl is constantly asked to touch, smell or sell her hair. Alena, of course, monitors such comments and immediately blocks users, but her comments still contain enough nasty things.

Alena is called Rapunzel. In 2018, her daughter was born, and the girl wants her to grow long hair too, but she will not insist. “I would like my daughter to grow her hair. They have a fantastic color! " - shares Alena.

The baby loves her mother's hair, and she always combs it with pleasure. Alena takes care of her hair, which is why she has such beautiful and well-groomed hair.

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