
All about the Seagull tattoo

All about the Seagull tattoo
  1. Meaning
  2. Types and variants of sketches
  3. Styles
  4. Places of application
  5. Beautiful examples

The "Seagull" tattoo is quite popular among girls. What it means, in what places it can be applied, how to choose a sketch and decide on a tattoo style, you will read in this article.


A tattoo is a reflection of the inner and spiritual world of a person, his aspirations, moral principles and beliefs. The image of a seagull on the body can have different meanings.

For fishermen

Once upon a time, sailors wandering around the world stuffed tattoos in the shape of a seagull, which reminded them of their native shore and loved ones waiting for them in the distance. Fishermen, whose eternal companions were birds circling nearby in anticipation of prey, considered the seagull to be a symbol of courage and good luck, and tattooed it as a talisman promising a good catch and a safe return home.

For women

For women, who did not wait for the return of fishermen and sailors from sailing, the seagull rushing over the seething waves has become a symbol of grief and sadness.

In memory of the husbands who did not return from the voyage, the widows put a seagull on the body as a sign of grief and bitter loss.

According to an old legend, the souls of deceased sailors, who have not found rest, circle forever over the depths of the sea, filling the surroundings with sad cries, yearning for their home.

For girls

A seagull tattoo on the body of a young girl means kindness, sincere love, tenderness and dreaminess. The one who values ​​personal freedom and independence most of all can apply the seagull. These are creative people, with a certain amount of adventurism in their blood, who do not accept all social norms and foundations: travelers, artists, bloggers, hot and dreamy natures, eager to meet the adventure. At the same time, they remain completely law-abiding citizens.

In the criminal world

The freedom-loving bird is also popular in the criminal world. The abbreviation ЛСКЧВ in places not so distant stands for "I love freedom, like a seagull water." Although there is another interpretation of it. A seagull against the background of a shield is being stuffed by women who have lost contact with a loved one during imprisonment. A bird soaring above the sea, separated from the sun by a line, is regret for the ruined youth, lost years and lost love.

The seagull is also interpreted as a symbol of treachery, impermanence and betrayal, intolerance and hatred of enemies - and this is no accident. In nature, the seagull is a migratory bird, mercilessly ruining other people's nests and destroying defenseless chicks. Such a tattoo on a woman's body warns that you should not stand in her way.

Types and variants of sketches

To decide on a sketch of a tattoo, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the work of masters in various styles. You shouldn't copy the variant that you liked, it is better to take it as a basis. When choosing a scene, be guided by the style and color scheme. If you are a romantic at heart, you will love watercolor and realism works. Women who are eccentric and wayward will prefer thrash polka and graphics.

Possible options:

  • a bird with a fish in its beak;

  • seagulls circling over the sea against the background of a frigate with raised sails;
  • seagull holding scales with the inscription "freedom" in its beak;
  • a flock soaring into the sky, dropping a feather;
  • bright abstract composition;
  • a bird soaring against the sunset;
  • a couple of seagulls on the sand.


old school

The daring and cruel pirates, surprisingly, were also not alien to the sense of beauty. Killing time on a long voyage, intoxicated with rum to the point of insanity, was the lot of not all sea wolves.

They became the founders of the old school style. Skulls, bones, muskets, money and cards are a popular theme in this style.

The names of loved ones left on the shore, objects and birds that were considered amulets were also depicted on the body. Among them is the image of a seagull. The style is characterized by colorfulness, lack of realism and volume.


The image of a seagull on the body can be realistic. Here, attention is paid to clear drawing of small details, shadows, smooth color transitions. Looking at such a bird, it seems that it is about to soar into the sky and, spreading its wings, will fly overhead.

Trash polka

This style is a kind of protest against infantile cutesy and glamor. He is characterized by audacity and severity, which have their own special beauty. Sketches are created with careless strokes, with streaks that vaguely resemble old newspaper clippings. The main colors of tattoos are black and red. Blue color is occasionally present.


A fairly new trend in underwear painting was appreciated by tattoo lovers. Vintage drawings, strict and laconic, reminiscent of illustrations from old books, look impressive on both boys and girls. For women, there are options using a gradient and beautiful color transitions in sketches.


Tattoos are attractive for their richness of colors, smooth flow of some shades into others, lightness and airiness. For sketches, girls choose soft colors and halftones of blue, purple, turquoise, red and pink. The most common subjects are images of animals and birds. Each work is unique. This is a free flight of the fantasy of the master.


The body engraving is applied with clear and confident strokes. There are no streaks and blurring. The monochrome image of a seagull resembles a pencil sketch on a light sheet of paper.


The pattern is applied to the skin as a dot. The work uses both different colors and only black.

Places of application

An experienced master can advise on where it is better to apply the seagull. The place is chosen taking into account your preferences: you want others to see the tattoo, or you will hide it under clothes.

Your profession also matters.People who follow the dress code do not get tattoos in prominent places: neck, hands and fingers.

You can apply a tattoo on the neck or chest, but it is important to consider that the skin in these places is very delicate. Less sensitive areas: lower back and legs. Women with large hips tattoo these places to visually make them smaller. Fragile young ladies decorate their ankles and shins with tattoos to emphasize their grace. You can see a tattoo of a seagull with outstretched wings on the back, on the abdomen at the site of the cesarean section scar.

The place where the tattoo was applied also has a symbolic meaning.

  • The seagull on the right hand is found among thieves driving around the country in search of fortune.

  • On the forearm, shoulder or hand against the background of a striped shield - an indicator of strong friendship at large.

  • On the wrist, against the background of the sun, there is a longing for the will and the departed youth.

Beautiful examples

  • A small symbolic tattoo of a seagull against the background of a sunset over the sea is laconic and catchy.
  • The expressive nature and dynamics of the tattoo clearly convey the mood that the master put into the work.
  • The beautiful free birds striving upward are calling for them.
  • Light transparent watercolor speaks of bright feelings, youth and dreaminess, aspiration for the future.
  • An original and stylish option is a tattoo on a woman's chest as a symbol of love for the mother.
  • A small but very proud bird is a modest but interesting decoration.
  • A colorful sketch in point technique is an unusual work of a master. The complex composition with graphic details attracts attention.
  • The complex work of the master with graphic details attracts attention
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