
Tattoo "Skull with a rose"

Skull Rose Tattoo
  1. The meaning of a tattoo
  2. Sketch ideas
  3. Where can you apply?

Among the variety of sketches of tattoos, a skull with a rose is often found today. This is a somewhat surprising plot that attracts with the contrast of details and evokes ambiguous feelings, since the rose flower is considered a recognized symbol of beauty, and the skull drawing evokes repulsive and even frightening associations.

The meaning of a tattoo

The "Skull with a rose" tattoo does not have an exclusively negative meaning, as the ignorant part of people believes.... These tattoos can mean different things, representing both negative and opposite qualities.

The meaning of a rose tattoo is somewhat more interesting than just a plot with the remains of a human head. The flower brings a touch of gothic romance to the composition. Many people perceive death without negativity, accepting the fact that it is part of the life cycle.

The beauty of a bright rose embodies life itself, full of meaning and charm. Therefore, in one sketch, they become symbols of the life cycle. This is a kind of union of death and life in one essence of human existence.

At the same time, a rose on the bones indicates a duality of nature. Such an idea will be chosen only by a difficult person who walks through life in search of answers to the questions of life.

In modern times, young people courageously apply such symbolism to the skin. And not only guys prefer it. For girls, the skull with a rose symbol is a frequent choice for body composition.

The style for such an image is very different. The tattoo can be embodied in a graphic black and white version and in a small size. Or represent a large-scale realistic drawing made with colored paints.

In general, the attitude towards the skull cannot be said definitely and precisely. For a long time, some peoples perceived it as a reflection of death and nothingness. Others, on the contrary, considered the head of the skeleton to be a powerful shield from evil spirits. For example, pirates depicted a skull on their flags to intimidate enemies.

The Celtic tribes, on the other hand, showed respect for the skull. They kept the remains of the heads of the dead, believing that the souls of the deceased remain in them.

For many nationalities, the skull was perceived as a reminder of death and the transition to the side of the eternal peace. This fact ensured universal veneration for this symbol.

In fact, how to interpret a skull with a rose tattoo depends on the composition of the composition as a whole.... For example, if a rose is wrapped around the head of a skeleton, or it is drawn near a lying flower, this symbolizes loss. Often such drawings contain memorable signatures and dates.

Let's list some more meanings of the described plot.

  • Transience... The tattoo seems to say that life in this world is a temporary state. This is the first reason to fully appreciate every moment, making the most of it.
  • Intelligence... For some peoples, the only correct perception of tattoos with a skull is their attitude to elite symbols.
  • Force... Many are afraid of the image of such a symbol, therefore, only strong and self-sufficient people decide to apply it on the body.
  • Fear... If you want to demonstrate to others your aggressive disposition, the ability to defend personal interests, a tattoo with a skull is definitely a good way.
  • Protection... For people of a certain kind, a skull tattoo serves as a talisman. It is such a protective amulet that is often found in the paraphernalia of fearless bikers.
  • Change... Such a tattoo can also be used to indicate positive turns in fate. Often this method is chosen by a person who has left in the past bad qualities and actions.

Due to the fact that the skull can have a varied interpretation, the final meaning of the plot will depend on the accompanying elements.

Sketch ideas

Skulls are usually seen as scary symbols, a kind of threat.... But they can well be summed up under different meanings and individual personalities. For example, a drawing in black or gray can send a message of strength and mortal danger. A skull made in delicate colors, with additions of hearts, a crown and similar paraphernalia, can look quite cute.

For this reason, the floral skull is often chosen for application to the female body. The plot emphasizes beauty, symbolizing the balance between good and evil.

Skull with a rose in its teeth

You can find such an option that hints at the carelessness of the owner, his predisposition to courage. Often, the drawing is accompanied by additions in the form of wings, a halo, etc. Then the tattoo does not have a specific meaning, but simply serves as a demonstration of fantasy, decoration of the body. And if there is a clock in the picture, it symbolizes the transience of time.

Young people also apply a skull with a flower in their teeth to their skin, but in a more brutal, even formidable performance.

Skull of a woman with a rose in her hair

It looks frighteningly beautiful and attractive to the views of others. The tattoo is universal, as it suits everyone, regardless of gender.

Skull lying next to a flower

Symbolizes the experience of the loss of a person who suddenly or suddenly passed away. This tutu reflects deep sadness and grief.

Where can you apply?

The meaning of the skull remains the same regardless of its location on the body. However, you should think carefully about whether to hide such a tattoo from prying eyes or put it on display.

You have to take into account your occupation and the attitude of your environment to such wearable jewelry... In the business sphere, the image of a skull in a conspicuous place is alarming and even repulsive.

Basically, a tattoo with a rose and a skull is done on the arm, choosing the shoulder area, but it is better to place large compositions on the back. It is very convenient to make dense drawings here.

For a picture in the form of a female skull entwined with flower buds, a girl's body is more suitable. Popular places for such a plot are considered to be the foot, lower leg or graceful hand.

Girls also often get extravagant tattoos on the ankle, shoulder blade, and on the wrist. Color intricate compositions on the thigh or lower leg look spectacular.

All shades of pink and mother-of-pearl give the skull plot a feminine, softer look. And the black and red execution of the picture brings passion or sadness to it. Bright skull tattoos with a rose on the arm and thigh, complemented by ornaments, look more impressive than in other places on the body.

If a girl prefers clothes with a deep neckline, then you can place a similar tattoo on her chest. A skull with flowers and angel wings looks exciting and mysterious in the hollow.

In addition to the back, the thorax, ribs, abdominal area, the area behind the ears, and the forearm are considered the male area for tattoo designs.

First, it is better to temporarily apply the selected pattern to the body. This approach will help you understand if it spoils the image and how impressive it looks.

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