
What are rune tattoos and what do they mean?

What are rune tattoos and what do they mean?
  1. Types of tattoos and sketches
  2. Selection Tips
  3. Accommodation options
  4. Nuances of application

Runes - ancient designations, the nature of which is sometimes called even mystical. The use of runes on the body as tattoos is often (if almost always) protective. This strange, at first glance, language is the heritage of the Scandinavian peoples (and not only them). In the runic alphabet, which is called Futhark, there are 24 characters, each has its own name and meaning, which does not open immediately.

Types of tattoos and sketches

Runes are symbols that are of Slavic and Scandinavian origin. However, it cannot be said that one of these types prevails over the other in terms of the frequency of the image on the body.


Ancient symbols are not only beautiful, their semantic message is quite deep, you just have to read the interpretation of the runes.

Slavic runic symbols for tattoos - description.

  • Chernobog... Cuts the ties of the past that weigh on a person. Such runes are applied if you want to find a way out of a difficult situation that seems to a person a vicious circle.
  • Treba... Associated with will, strength of mind, the right choice of intentions and actions.
  • Peace... This rune is associated with the image of the World Tree, and it helps to call for help from higher powers. It is believed that this symbol enhances altruistic impulses in a person, protects against negative actions.
  • Rainbow... Needed as help in finding the path of life. It is believed that this symbol helps a person to comprehend the laws of the universe.
  • Alatyr... The rune means inner balance, balance. It is done by those whose psycho-emotional state is alarming.
  • Need... And this is already an appeal to the dark deities, who do not offer trials to everyone, only to a select few. In this rune - fetters, in which the soul languishes, striving for freedom.
  • Bereginya... A female symbol, a talisman, whose meaning lies in establishing family ties, and in motherhood, and in the ability to maintain a home. Girls often tilt the choice in favor of this symbol.
  • Wind... Such a tattoo is done by those who want to find inspiration and creative energy. But if the rune's message is not used for good purposes, it will bring the opposite result.
  • Force... This is power (including spiritual) and the ability to get away from evil people, from the painful events of the past, etc.
  • Rock... More than a radical rune, which, they say, affects fate. Experts advise doing such tattoos with great discretion.
  • Oud... The symbol is associated with sexual energy (both male and female), promotes harmonious relationships in a couple.
  • Source... Promotes harmony, balance, mental balance.
  • Dazhdbog... A symbol of wealth and abundance, good luck, including material.

But this rune can only be used by hardworking people with pure intentions. If a lazy person does it, he will lose even more.

  • Perun... It is used as protection from dark forces, from damage, from envious people.
  • Krada... Needed for those who want to develop their own strong leadership qualities.
  • Support... It symbolizes a connection with the genus, the root nutrition of a person.
  • Lelya... Girls who wear this rune on their bodies can count on a connection with their ancestors, as well as on the development of intuition.
  • There is... Associated with progress, own advancement, activity.

People who prefer runes to tattoos should believe in their symbolism and meaning. Otherwise, it is disrespect for signs, which are, at least, artifacts.


They are also interesting, their meanings are close to the Slavic, Old Russian variations of the runes.

Symbols of the Scandinavian runes.

  • Uruz... Helps maintain and enhance human health. But it can attract disturbing situations into his life.
  • Laguz... A female symbol that increases vitality, helps to reveal talents, strengthen your own energy.
  • Kano... Strengthens the runes inscribed in it. Can attract love into a person's life. Sometimes she completely changes his life.
  • Turisaz... Also used in combination with other runes, it has a protective effect.
  • Hyera... Otherwise, this rune is called the symbol of the fulfillment of desires. It attracts good luck and promotes the material benefits of projects.
  • Fehu... The rune is also associated with material well-being.
  • Mannaz... Its carrier will study well, his intuition will sharpen.
  • Wunier... And it is called the rune of joy, which helps a person to hear the inner child in himself.
  • Berkana... A female symbol that is applied by many women who want to conceive a child. And also those who want to become more feminine, softer.
  • Gebo... Rune for gaining self-confidence, finding inner harmony.

This is just a short description of runic symbols, without details and important details. But already according to it, a person can lean into the area of ​​a particular rune, and study it in more detail.

Selection Tips

There is such a concept among those who are passionate about runes and know how they work in the form of tattoos - "a tattoo requires a fee." It is possible, to simplify, say this: the rune is a protective, powerful symbol. It fills the wearer with special energy, attracts the right people, events, etc. into his life.

But if the bearer himself does not "work off" such an advance, the rune does not just lose its strength - it can become dangerous for a person who has taken responsibility for wearing it.

Paying for a tattoo in the form of a rune is not a mythical sacrifice, it is work on oneself. Someone draws an analogy with the taken vow. A person asks higher powers for indulgence, help in, for example, a career. And in return, he vows not to lie, not to use foul language, to help loved ones, etc. So with the runes: if you apply a symbol that helps to attract material success, you should not leave doubts about your own hard work.

Runic tattoo expert recommendations.

  • You need to make sure that there will be an onslaught from the outside and criticism.And from those who consider it paganism, a connection with dark forces. And from those who doubt that the bearer of the runes understands their meaning and chose the appropriate option for themselves. You have to be ready for this and understand that this is not a pendant that you can take off, that you will need to become akin to it, a tattoo.
  • If runes are used to write down a phrase, then the phrase should be written exclusively in the runic language (Icelandic, Pragerme). There is no need to do a transcription from Russian, English, etc., because in this case, the runes become a lowercase formula, and not a whole phrase. And this, at least, is unreasonable, if not dangerous.
  • A temporary tattoo with the selected stave must be done. And it is better if a person carries it for at least a year. It can be a henna tattoo, it can even be a drawing made with a marker. The option is appropriate only on the body: just carrying a printout, drawing on a piece of paper, etc. does not apply to the annual period.
  • It is great if a person does not just choose a rune and turn to the nearest tattoo parlor, but comes to a practitioner-runologist who will manually apply an image to him. But there are not many of them, so you have to look for just good tattoo artists. But a person must also trust himself: if a master, even if he has the most ideal reputation, does not like something, you should not trust him with such a responsible business.
  • It makes sense to look at the finished work of the master, but only after reading / looking at something about the runes. Otherwise, you simply will not understand how accurately the symbol is executed, whether it is equal to the scheme, etc.
  • A tattoo, even if it is complex, is better to prick all at once, entirely, without breaking the process of application into sessions. Masters advise against taking alcohol, pain relievers on the eve of the session.

But it is possible to undergo austerity, fasting, and ablution, but only if the person himself feels the need for it, it is not necessary.

Masters also advise both men and women to “wear a tattoo with a rune in their head” for some time. To understand whether its meaning is so close, whether the tattoo is pursuing some short-term goals. This is the main point in choosing a rune: not just choose the strongest or visually effective sign, but find the closest, most important one that does not “let go” for a long time.

Accommodation options

Place is not just about choosing the most successful zone for a tattoo, it is also about adding additional meaning to the rune.

Where runic symbols are placed.

  • On the head... The person who chooses this place wants to give himself more importance in the eyes of others. It is believed that this can contribute to the disclosure of some special abilities.
  • On the arm ("sleeves" also). They display a confident life position, credo. Such tattoos are usually done by people who know their own worth. They quickly choose the rune and do not hesitate in their choice. Especially if this is an image on a brush.
  • On the chest... It is believed that a tattoo in this area is a challenge to society. It can really be a protest symbol, and the direction to shoulder only reinforces it.
  • On the back. The protective functions of the sign are enhanced, a person makes a powerful amulet for himself. There is a lot of calmness, balance, kind energy in it.
  • On the wrist. Runes help to achieve success, take it with your hand (metaphorically). The same applies to the fingers.
  • On the forearm... Strength in action - that is, the rune should help some aspiration of a person, if he already has a plan and efforts. That is, the rune will not work for a person, it, rather, acts as a companion in business.
  • On the foot... Runes rarely appear here. Perhaps in this place you need to wear a temporary rune longer.
  • On the neck, on the spine, on the face. High-risk areas require a lot of thought.

Runic tattoo artists warn: Regardless of the place of application, the process of stuffing itself can be more painful than with any other image. Sometimes a person feels very tired after the process, even soreness. Sometimes, on the contrary, euphoria.A feeling of euphoria is noted very often, and not always after application, but even months after it.

Even if we argue scientifically, this may be due to the psycho-emotional characteristics of a person, the degree of his faith in those signs that he synchronizes with himself.

Nuances of application

The masters have their own set of rules regarding the application of runic symbols. These rules help and more successful image rendering, and enhance their actions. Yes, it turns out that the process of application itself is able to enhance the energy of the runes and help them become protective.

What are these rules.

  • Gray, red, black. Only with this ink can runes be applied. This can be considered canon.
  • If additional symbols / patterns appear next to the rune that do not relate to the runic theme in principle, they are third-party, this works against the wearer of the tattoo. This, to put it mildly, is not welcome.
  • Runes are rarely made large. It is believed that the size of the tattoo should be modest. The place of application is also very important. The rune in the reverse position is stuffed on that part of the body where the image will not turn over.
  • Masters offer to apply temporary tattoos to clients. You need to live with a tattoo for some time, listen to your feelings, take a closer look at what is happening around you. That is, you need to collect information on how the runic symbol influenced life, self-awareness. And if this information is assessed positively, you can get a permanent tattoo.
  • If runic ligature is stuffed, then this must be done so that the ligature becomes readable from the side of the person looking at the tattoo.

It should be noted that not all masters undertake the drawing of runes. And this is not because they are technically difficult, or because the masters are so afraid of mysticism. Rather, it demonstrates an honest and professional view: they know that ancient symbols should be taken seriously and respectfully, and therefore, understand them. And if there is no such understanding of the runic alphabet, it would be dishonest to undertake its visualization on the body.

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