
All about trading

All about trading
  1. What it is?
  2. What areas can be depilated?
  3. Contraindications
  4. What threads are used?
  5. Preparation
  6. Stages of the
  7. Follow-up skin care

The vast majority of modern girls will agree that something must be done with hair on the body, and even more so on the face. However, most of the techniques are characterized by insufficient effectiveness, side effects, or the need to repeat the procedure too often, which is inconvenient, because young ladies and cosmetologists do not stop looking for more and more new ways to solve the problem. Trading, or threading, has appeared in Russian beauty salons relatively recently, but it already has its own inveterate fans. Perhaps you will become one after reading this article.

What it is?

You can often hear the conventional wisdom that trading is a modern way of depilation, but everything new, as you know, is just a well-forgotten old one. So in this case - the method of removing hair with a thread was invented in ancient times, it was not just called trading at that time.

Moreover, the same ancient Persians very actively used this technique, because before the wedding the young lady had to go through the procedure of complete removal of body hair - only in this case she was considered "clean".

In principle, we have already revealed the main thing - unwanted vegetation is removed with a thread. For facial treatment, this is still one of the most common methods, because it is relatively gentle and does not cause any special discomfort to sensitive skin - you must admit, it would be foolish to remove hair for the sake of redness and bruising.Since we are talking specifically about depilation, it is not worth talking about the final removal of vegetation - this is a temporary procedure that can be done again after 3-5 weeks, and the number of repetitions will not affect the reduction of hair in the future.

The good thing about trading is that, unlike many other methods of hair removal, it is not traumatic for the skin, which means that it is not painful. The thread captures any hairs, even light, thin and not very noticeable - even advanced technologies like a laser epilator in this context could be powerless.

There are no special consumables here, because the procedure costs a penny, and in time it turns out much more profitable than pinching with tweezers. Along the way, the thread manages to perform peeling functions and even give the client a micromassage of the face, and over time, the technique can be mastered for home execution, without paid trips to the salon.

But trading has its drawbacks:

  • in some cases, even a professional cannot guarantee painlessness;
  • strong and coarse hair of large thickness for a thread is a serious challenge, which it copes with every other time;
  • poor-quality equipment will inevitably lead to hair breakage, and from this they will begin to grow even more rapidly;
  • any mechanical method of depilation means the risk of ingrown hairs, and trading is no exception.

What areas can be depilated?

Theoretically, there are no special restrictions on the areas of trading, since it is most actively used to cleanse the face of excess vegetation, it is easy to guess that the technique is really gentle and theoretically can be applied to any sensitive areas. Nevertheless in the intimate area, problems may arise with its implementation - it will simply not be possible to get to hard-to-reach places.

Modern deep bikini depilation usually does not provide for the use of triming.

As for the rest of the zones, then a lot depends on what are the characteristics of the vegetation on your body. The thread does not take too thick and coarse hair, therefore the hair in the armpit and on the legs is usually not touched. However, if they are thin and not very thick on the legs, you can try.

However, the main field of application of the thread for hair removal is still the face, and in the broadest sense. With the help of this procedure, a neat point eyebrow correction is possible, which often makes a young lady noticeably more beautiful. An even more striking positive effect is observed if the trading is aimed at removing the antennae from the upper lip.

Many women are also morally uncomfortable with a specific whitish fluff on the cheeks and chin - it can also be removed with a thread.


Before deciding on this procedure, you need to take into account the contraindications. In some cases, it is worth abandoning the procedure.

  • If there are moles, warts, and other negative skin manifestations in the treated area. Trading is a purely mechanical method, so damage to any protruding skin irregularities is likely. If this is any neoplasm, its damage cannot be considered a harmless scratch - the consequences can be far-reaching and quite severe.
  • In the presence of oncology. Diseases of a cancerous nature negatively affect the body's ability to resist infection, and trading, again, can damage the skin, and infection will penetrate through them.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding. From this point of view, trading is undesirable only because any stress can affect the mother's condition and provoke either impaired fetal development or a decrease in milk production. This stress can be caused by the pain experienced during the threading process.
  • In case of diagnosed silk allergy. Running a little ahead, let's say that in some cases trading is carried out with a silk thread. If you have an intolerance to this material, then it is clear that any contact with it is undesirable.

What threads are used?

It is worth learning that the effectiveness and painlessness of the procedure very much depends on which thread to choose. Accordingly, you should not take the first threads that come to hand, and the dental variety will not work either. In the same way, the use of surgical threads and fishing line is not recommended, and, as we have already mentioned above, silk material is not suitable - neither natural nor artificial.

In beauty salons, professionals of our time prefer to use a special synthetic thread, in which the base is nylon, whose fibers are twisted in a special way. Due to the properties of the material, the captured hairs are reliably fixed, since such a thread is not perfectly smooth. Hair will not slide on it.

Having decided on home experiments, the young ladies probably strive to acquire threads that exactly correspond to the salon ones, but there is really no need for this. For all characteristics, ordinary cotton material can be considered similar, but with one condition - it must meet the minimum strength criteria.

In the process of trading, a carefully stretched thread can injure the skin under the treated surface., but it is also dangerous for the hands, which it can cut. In order to avoid such negative consequences and to simplify the process control, specialists use special convenient holders, which are reasonable to purchase for home use.

Taking into account the needs of elementary convenience and clamping in a holder with a margin, the length of each of the threads for trading usually should not be less than half a meter, but a longer one is also not required.


Any good home hair removal master class, outlined in full and in stages, should begin with preparing the skin for the process, because without this, any, even the most vaunted painless method, will suddenly become painful and traumatic.

First, using a scrub, you need to remove the stratum corneum from the surface of the skin. - its absence will help reduce pain. You need to do this in advance, best of all - about a day before the scheduled procedure.

As is the case with all other methods of depilation, the procedure will cause less suffering if the skin is thoroughly steamed beforehand. To do this, an ordinary terry towel must be folded several times and soaked in ordinary hot water or chamomile broth. This "compress" is applied to the skin for about 10-15 minutes, until it cools down. Thanks to him, the skin becomes looser and easier to "release" hairs.

Since microtrauma during trading is still inevitable, the treated area must be done before starting the procedure. disinfect... To do this, you should use any of the popular antiseptics that can be found at home in the first-aid kit - chlorhexidine and miramistin are better than others. It is necessary to apply them to the skin, of course, not with bare hands, but through cotton pads or just cotton.

Just before removing hair, you can also apply a very simple method of pain relief., which consists in wiping the area of ​​the skin planned for treatment with an ordinary ice cube. If these are not eyebrows, where the hair is traditionally quite long, but constantly plucked "antennae", it is reasonable to treat the problem area with baby powder - this will provide a more effective capture of individual hairs.

Stages of the

Difficulties in conducting trading on your own begin with the question of what to do with the thread, so let's try to figure it out step by step.

  • First you need to cut off a piece at least half a meter long and firmly connect the ends so that you get a ring. The resulting figure must first be twisted in half to make an eight. More often you have to fold the thread more times, if only there are two large loops at the edges, and a twisted section in the middle. It is thanks to the latter that it is possible to capture the hairs in order to get rid of them.
  • In each of the resulting loops, the thumb and forefinger of different hands are threaded, which are convenient to move and push apart Is the simplest way to control a thread. By clenching and unclenching your fingers, you can change the proportion between the rings by moving the weave located between them. You can also move your arms in general, but at the same time your task is to make sure that the weave is always over the area that you plan to process.
  • Experts advise starting the first experiments not with the face, but with the legs. The reasons for this are obvious - the beginner does not have confident thread control skills, so there is no question of perfect retention of the contours either. Starting to "conjure" over the eyebrow immediately, you risk doing it even worse than it was, and then you will have to correct the consequences of your curiosity in the tattoo parlor. On the legs, no contours must be strictly observed - in an amicable way, all hairs must be removed there. In addition, the legs are not such a sensitive area as the face, so the awkwardness of a beginner "master" will not cause such a vivid painful reaction.
  • Having stuffed your hand on your feet and deciding to go to face trading, again, do not go straight to the eyebrows - there you have to keep a sketch in your head all the time and strictly follow it, which a beginner simply will not succeed in. Start with the cheeks and "antennae" and only as you gain experience, start shaping your eyebrows with your own hands. As for the intimate area, its home treatment, in principle, is allowed only in the pubic region, and any independent lowering below is undesirable - for this it is already necessary to contact the salon directly.

Follow-up skin care

Even with perfect mastering of the trading technique, its holding for the skin turns out to be a test, after which it is necessary to take care of a full recovery. In most cases, the body will cope on its own, but at least it does not need to interfere with this, and for this there are several easy-to-follow measures. First of all, in the next couple of hours after the end of the experiment, it is necessary to ensure that the treated area does not experience friction from the clothes - this requirement is relevant for the legs, neck and intimate area, if you still risked carrying out the thread procedure even there.

At the same time, most of the precautions aimed at countering the occurrence of complications are designed for two days - after that you will be free in your actions. However, in the period up to this point, it is in your best interest to avoid the following situations:

  • no sunburn, even "accidental" - the skin, which was previously covered with hair, is not at all adapted to intense sunlight, therefore, unlike all other areas, it will burn in the blink of an eye;
  • swimming in any open bodies of water is fraught with the penetration of infection into the body through micro-damage to the skin, which you do not even feel, and visiting the pools is dangerous from this point of view, and due to the presence of irritating, inflamed skin bleach;
  • any overheating is dangerous with redness and irritation, and this applies not only to being in direct sunlight, but also taking a hot bath or shower, as well as visiting baths and saunas;
  • washcloths, scrubs and all the more peeling at this time are strictly prohibited - before, the main blow of any external irritants in the treated area was taken by the hair, but now the whole load falls on the skin, which is simply not adapted to it;
  • you should forget about detergents with dyes for these two days in any case, even if the packaging says that the substance is suitable for sensitive skin and will not cause harm.

In fact, no matter how hard you try, a noticeable irritation on the treated skin is still likely, especially in the first times at home trading, when you are just starting to master its wisdom. In such a situation, it is better to prepare for problems in advance by preparing a decoction of calendula or chamomile and freezing it in cubes.

Rubbing with such cubes will give a double effect - here both cold anesthesia and reduction of irritation due to the action of herbal extracts.

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