Decorating and painting eggs

How to make eggs with space colors for Easter?

How to make eggs with space colors for Easter?
  1. Food coloring
  2. How to color with hibiscus tea?
  3. Useful Tips

There can be a lot of ideas on how to really paint eggs for Easter in an original way. And when you want not one color, but several, in a sequence that is advantageous from a decorative point of view, you can use the space painting method. It turns out very beautiful, you will immediately want to photograph such splendor.

Food coloring

The simplest dyes in tablets are fine for this purpose. And besides them, it is worth preparing thin paper napkins, rubber gloves, cotton swabs, bowls or plastic cups.

The staining process is as follows.

  1. Each dye must be dissolved in one tablespoon of water.... To make the paint more stable and brighter, add a teaspoon of a 9% vinegar solution to each bowl.
  2. Every egg you need wrap in a paper napkin, as if the candy is spinning.
  3. A cotton swab must be dipped in a dye of any color, attach it to the egg, which is wrapped in a napkin. It is better to add more yellow paint to make the eggs "more fun". The rule is invariable - each dye has its own cotton swab.
  4. After the entire napkin is covered with dyes and there are no empty spaces, eggs should lie in their colored "clothes" for 20-25 minutes.
  5. Then you can unfold the napkin and admire the result.

It is so easy to make such a coloring that even children can cope with the task. It turns out beautifully, original and picturesque. For a bright holiday, Easter is a good decor.

How to color with hibiscus tea?

And this is a natural dye, which also gives an interesting result. Plus everything is environmentally friendly.

Have to take:

  • several chicken (and quail, too) eggs;
  • 65 g hibiscus - for 8 eggs;
  • 600 ml of water;
  • 1 tablespoon 9% vinegar.

Step by step recipe.

  1. Boil eggs, cool. It is better to get them out of the refrigerator before cooking so that they lie at room temperature for some time. This reduces the risk of cracking.
  2. Pour hibiscus into a deep saucepan, pour boiling water over it. Add vinegar there, mix everything.
  3. Send boiled eggs to hot tea. Keep them there for at least 3 hours.
  4. Get the eggs out, blot them with a napkin... No need to wipe.
  5. After drying, the paint can anoint them with vegetable oil for better shine.

The result will be a drawing like a space landscape - dark blue with stars and other celestial bodies. This space looks unusual.

Useful Tips

And here is a bunch of important tips that will help you not to fail your first attempt at unusual coloring of Easter eggs. For example, the gradient approach is also interesting. And so that later the paint looks cosmic, you can spray it with white gouache with a toothbrush - it will turn out believable.

How to paint eggs in a gradient way:

  • dilute the blue food coloring according to the instructions;
  • take a ladle or large spoon;
  • dip the egg in this spoon halfway into the paint and keep there for 3 minutes;
  • at the same time, the spoon can be slightly moved up and down to ensure a smooth color transition;
  • raise the spoon higher and hold it again for 3 minutes, moving it up and down;
  • leave only the lower part of the future dye in the dye for 3 minutes.

You will get a beautiful smooth color transition. If the egg turns out to be more blue than blue, you can keep it in the dye for a little longer. Then an old toothbrush and gouache are taken. The brush must be dipped in the paint, and then, using a ruler, draw the latter along the bristles so that splashes fly off the brush. And just towards the egg. So celestial bodies will appear on the blue gradient surface of the dye.

For those who want even more creativity, you can use the decoupage technique. True, this is not entirely about painting, but the effect is the same. You will need napkins with a space theme or just those colors that resemble space. Thin fragments of napkins will be glued onto food starch using a brush. And it will come out not just a decorative set of eggs, but also quite edible specimens.

And if you want space dyes to be very pleasant to the touch, they can be made using "terry" technology. In addition to food coloring, ordinary semolina will create space.

Algorithm of actions.

  1. Add powder blue food coloring to the dry semolina. It must be strictly dry, otherwise the semolina will roll into nasty lumps.
  2. Mix everything well.
  3. A raw egg white is applied to a boiled and cooled egg (sometimes it is replaced with PVA glue).
  4. The egg is dipped in semolina from all sides, and then spread on a napkin to dry.

Instead of semolina, you can use beads or sequins exactly according to the same principle. It will be easier with sparkles. You just need to choose the right colors so that the space theme is guessed.

Another option is floss threads. You need to pick up threads of suitable colors and randomly wrap the egg with them. You can try and follow a pattern, but it's harder. Then put eggs in a saucepan, add water, add a spoonful of vinegar and cook for about 10 minutes. Then cool and remove the threads. And for shine, rub the dyes with vegetable oil. It will be very bright.

Let everything turn out beautifully!

Another option for making eggs with space colors for Easter, see the video.

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